GenomeSpace Tools and Data Sources


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FireBrowse is a companion portal to the Broad Institute GDAC Firehose analysis pipeline, and was developed to cull and analyze data generated by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), which characterizes and identifies genomic patterns in human cancer models. Backed by a powerful compute infrastructure, programming interface, online reports and modern graphical tools, FireBrowse provides a simple yet capable means of visually and programmatically exploring one of the most comprehensive and deeply-characterized open cancer datasets in the world. FireBrowse provides access to a variety of cancer genomics data, such as clinical annotations, DNA copy number, miR, miRseq, mRNA and mRNAseq; as well as a comprehensive suite of more than 100 interdependent analyses of those data, including: correlations, clustering, and GISTIC and MutSigCV.

FireBrowse is developed at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. To start using FireBrowse, please read through the FireBrowse Tool Guide.

Help Links


FireBrowse tutorial

FireBrowse FAQ

FireBrowse TCGA Data Use Policy and Publication Guidelines
