GenomeSpace Tools and Data Sources


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The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is a light-weight, high-performance visualization tool that enables intuitive real-time exploration of diverse, large-scale genomic data sets on standard desktop computers. It supports flexible integration of a wide variety of data types including aligned sequence reads, mutations, copy number, RNA interference screens, gene expression, methylation, and genomic annotations. IGV makes use of efficient, multi-resolution file formats to enable real-time exploration of arbitrarily large data sets over all resolution scales, while consuming minimal resources on the client computer.  Navigation through a data set is similar to that of Google Maps, allowing the user to zoom and pan seamlessly across the genome at any level of detail from whole genome to base pair.

IGV supports concurrent visualization of diverse data types across hundreds, and up to thousands, of samples and correlation of these integrated data sets with clinical and phenotypic variables.  Data can be sorted, filtered, grouped, and/or color-coded, as well as output in graphic format.  The Broad Institute server provides an ever-increasing number of genomes against which data can be viewed, and users can also use IGV with their own genome files.

IGV also includes a set of igvtools that help preprocess large files, particularly NGS files, for viewing.

Help Links

IGV Website & Documentation

IGV User Group

GenomeSpace functionality in IGV


Send Data from GenePattern to IGV

Send Data from Galaxy to IGV
