Connect Storage
You can add external storage from public Amazon S3 buckets, your own Amazon S3 buckets, your Dropbox, and your Google Drive to your GenomeSpace user account. You can connect multiple storage drives to a single user account.
From the menu bar, select Connect and the drive you want to connect.
In order to disconnect a drive, right-click the drive from the left directories panel and select Disconnect from the pop-up menu.
Contents of connected drives become available to GenomeSpace tools. Refer to provider websites for details on the functionality of each drive. This page details how to connect a Dropbox drive and a Google Drive. For Amazon S3 Buckets, see Connect S3 Bucket.
Connect Dropbox
Select Connect>Dropbox.
Select Read only or Read and Write, and click Submit.
When you click Submit in this dialog, a new window will open to the Dropbox site.
You must disable popup blockers on your browser for the next step.
If you are not already logged in to Dropbox, the Dropbox window will ask you to login.
Dropbox will then ask you to confirm that you want to allow GenomeSpace to access your Dropbox account. Click Allow.
A new folder named dropbox:[user] appears in the left directories panel.
Connect Google Drive
Select Connect>Google Drive in the menu bar and click Submit.
Select the privileges GenomeSpace can have in Google Drive: Read only or Read and Write if you want GenomeSpace to be able to send files into Google Drive.
You must disable popup blockers on your browser for the next step.
Tell Google that GenomeSpace is allowed to access your files. A new window opens to the Google Drive site.
If you are not already logged in to Google, a window will ask you to login.
Confirm GenomeSpace is allowed access to your Google account and click Accept.
GenomeSpace creates a new folder within your Google Drive, in the left directories panel, labeled GenomeSpacePublic.
GenomeSpace will operate exclusively on files and folders within GenomeSpacePublic. Place any data files you want to access from GenomeSpace tools under this folder.
The GenomeSpacePublic folder is created with Public on the web Google Drive permissions. This permission level allows anyone to access the contents of the folder via search results or the web address. If you have sensitive data that you would like to use from GenomeSpace data tools, we recommend you place it under your GenomeSpace home directory, in a GenomeSpace-mounted Dropbox account, or in an Amazon S3 bucket.