
Run an Analysis

This page gives an overview on how to make data files available to GenomeSpace and send these files to a tool for analysis. When you launch a tool on a file, if needed and supported, file formats are converted automatically. To see supported conversions and to manually convert files, see Convert file formats.

The following pages provide step-by-step instructions on the titled topics:

The following daughter pages cover additional analysis related topics:

If you have trouble launching desktop tools, see FAQ2.2.


Load data files

Make files available to GenomeSpace with one of the following methods. The second column provides links to detailed instruction.

Drag-drop data files from your desktop into your user folder in the browser
Import files by URL from the menu File>Import from URL
Send files from a GenomeSpace-enabled tool to your GenomeSpace account
Mount Dropbox, Amazon S3, or Google Drive files using Connect from the menu bar


Send data to a specific tool from GenomeSpace

Launch a tool to analyze files using one of the following methods.

  • drag-drop the file(s) onto a tool in the toolbar
  • select the file(s) and go to menu Launch and select a specific tool
  • select file(s) then click on the tool in the toolbar
  • select file(s) then click on the files and select a tool from the pop-up menu

The Launch dialog box opens (Screenshot 2015.2.4).

  • Currently selected files are listed with the option to remove each by clicking the remove button.
  • You can also add files by drag-dropping them from your main files panel to the target area indicated by the green plus +.
  • Click Launch to send the selected files to the tool.
  • Follow additional steps presented by the tool.

See User Interface for a description of the toolbar and the Tool Guide for tool specific instructions.

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