Share dataShare data within your GenomeSpace account in two ways.
When sharing with other GenomeSpace users, you can search for their user name with a partial name or by email address by clicking on the provided magnifying icon within dialog boxes. If a user has opted-out of being in username searches, then you must know their exact username to share with them. If you wish to opt out of username searches, click on your username in the upper-right and clear the checkbox next to Include me in user searches. When sharing URL links, considerations differ whether the link is for tool access or for download purposes. For tool access. If you are providing a URL link for bioinformatic tool access, i.e. visualization, then be sure to check that the tool accepts the generated URL address.
For download. File download links are viable with public data. A public share setting allows anyone with the URL address to access the data. If this is a concern consider the following.
Get to the share options for your file or folderYou can view the share settings for files and folders within any directory.
The Sharing & Permissions dialog box (Screenshot) will list the file or folder name, the owner, users with which the item is shared with including the owner, the level of privilege for each user, and a button to edit the share setting (#1). Change sharing & permissionsYou can change share settings for a file or folder within directories for which you have read/write permission. Currently these include your user folder and subfolders, connected Dropbox, and Read/Write S3 Buckets. The two levels of permission are read-only (Read) which allows copying, and read-write-delete (Write & Delete in the dialog but otherwise known as Read & Write). If you grant permissions to a folder, all the files and subfolders in that folder inherit those permissions. In this way you can make your entire User directory writable by a colleague. You cannot remove inherited permissions. Remove permissions from the original top-level folder to which they were applied.
Find shared items in the Shared To and Public foldersDepending on the share setting, shared items appear in two locations. Items you share with others remain in their original directory stucture in your account. In addition, if you've made something public, it will appear in a folder with your user name in the Public folder in the left directories panel. An item shared to you selectively by another user will appear in a Shared to [your user name] folder in the left directories panel. Items made public by other users appear in the Public folder in subfolders organized by user name.
Create a link that opens a particular directoryRight-clicking a file and selecting View file link from the pop-up menu displays the URL address of the file. The structure of the folder path is preserved in the URL address so you can append a given address by editing the text with the file path of the new folder. Users with share permission to the folder can use the link to access the shared data. When sharing data with other GenomeSpace users, or perhaps for your own convenience, create a URL that will open the shared folder within a permitted user account. For example, in the following URL address, the section that follows [?pathOrUrl=] shows the directory path and opens the SharedData folder within the Public directory: