Extract file rows & columns
Create a new file containing selected columns and consecutive rows on the GenomeSpace server from a delimited data file. This obviates the need for you to download a file and perform the operation in a spreadsheet program and upload the new file.
To access this feature you can either:
Right-click on a file and select Extract rows/cols from the pop-up menu
Check to select a single file then select File menu>Extract rows and columns.
This opens the Extract rows and columns dialog (Screenshot 2015.1.21). Make selections within the dialog and click Save for a new file.

Select tab, comma, space, or semicolon delimiter from the drop-down menu.
Display updates automatically.
Check treat consecutive delimiters as one to skip empty fields between delimiters and to place filled fields adjacently. This can shift data cells in undesired ways. For example, for a GCT file with empty Description fields, checking this box will shift data fields into the Description column (Screenshot below 2015.2.3).
View the selected text-based file up to the first ten rows in spreadsheet format.
When less rows are shown, up to the first 50 kb of the selected file is displayed.
Select consecutive rows by entering start row and end row numbers. Leave end row field blank to include all remaining rows.
Use the bolded row numbers on the left as reference.
Select columns by checking boxes at the top of columns. Scroll horizontal bar at bottom to display additional columns.
When selected, column text changes from gray to black and is highlighted.
Unselected column text remains gray with white backgrounds.
Click on Toggle all columns to invert selections.
This is useful when selecting the majority of columns as it allows you to uncheck the fewer undesired columns.
Use the Save as field to change the file name. GenomeSpace automatically appends the term .slice between the original file name and extension.
If you are removing header lines, consider editing the file extension to match the new format.
Press Save to create the new file in the same folder as the original file.
