

The cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics provides visualization, analysis and download of large-scale cancer genomics data sets.

Sending Files from cBioPortal to GenomeSpace

The cBioPortal "Download Data" tab on the home page provides an option for users to select a published dataset and save the entire file or a subset back to their GenomeSpace account.

  1. Click the "Download Data" tab on the home page of the cBioPortal
  2. Using the provided form, select your dataset by providing a cancer study, genomic profile, patient/case set and gene set
  3. Click the Send Data Matrix to GenomeSpace button at the bottom of the form to create your dataset
  4. You will be asked to authenticate your GenomeSpace account if you are not currently signed in
  5. Select a directory to save your file and click Submit


Read more documentation how to load data from cBioPortal to GenomeSpace.

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